What Our Readers Say



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What would you like to see more of in the Greenhorn Valley View?

1. Letters to the Editor

2. More sports, more school recognition.

3. Crime Blotter please!!!

4. Would be nice to have coupons.

5. Events locally and Pueblo What do you see too much of in the Greenhorn Valley View?

1. Political views

What is a favorite feature in YOUR newspaper?

1. More background.

2. Local news and events. 3. Reporting on CCMD meetings.

4. Word Search and Community Calendar.

5. Sports

6. History of the valley.

7. hirley Pigg writes a great article.

8. alley Voices – Terry!

9. News about the music program @ Rye High School.

10. Recipes; Resource page

11. Puzzle page.

12. Rye town meetings, Pueblo County news, editorials an news regarding state legislature.

Ideas you have to improve the

quality of the newspaper, overall:

1. love it, you do a heck of a job.

I like the changes you have made.

2. Overall, I enjoy the whole paper.

3. Good job, overall.

4. I think you do a good job!

5. Add coupons please.

6. Comic strip?

News items you would like us to look in to for publication: 1. Any news to counter the narrative of a climate emergency and blaming CO2 for climate change.

2. Thank you for finding a way to continue being able to publish this paper. What a blessing you are to the community. You do a great job keeping us informed of local and statewide events.

3. Holiday traditions and events (local and neighboring communities).