Letters to the Editor


To the editor,

I loved THE MIRACLE OF VELMA because the circumstances were miracle manipulated by a power obviously more visionary than the humans involved.

You're made my Christmas more meaningful, editor and friend.

Gordon MacAlister, Pueblo Letter to the editor,

Thank you for your viewpoint. By far my favorite Christmas decoration is the nativity scene my mother-in-law with figurines she hand painted. It simple reminds me of her and of the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

Blessings to you and your precious family.

John Zondlo

Letters must contain appropriate language and focus on issues rather than individuals, must be signed and no longer than 350 words in length.

Limit two letters per month per writer. The View editorial staff reserves the right not to publish any letter deemed offensive, or malicious. Submit letters to: editor@greenhornvalleyview. com